RiX KoRneR

Welcome to my own piece of online real estate. I hope to make updates to this more often than once every 2 years. I'll post more pictures as they come.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Moab, UT 2007

Ok, it's been ages since I've posted on my blog. Let's just say 2006 was busy. Anyway, here are some pix from my recent mountain biking trip to Moab, UT. They had the best mountain biking trails I've ever been on. Click on the picture to check out the pix.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Uncle Johnny & Aunt Julie come to the US

Here are pictures of Uncle Johnny and Aunt Julie's visit to the US. We hope they come and visit us again soon!!!

Click for slideshow 1

Click for slideshow 2

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Been a while

It's been a while since I've written. I'll try to avoid making my entries so far apart. Anyway holidays are over. It's always a nice time to be with family and friends. I'm blessed with have a loving family and a great group of friends. During the past few months I've been going to physical therapy because of a shoulder dislocation. Not fun. You don't really realize how much we take for granted our health. For me I now have to be cautious about what positions I'm in or what motions I'm doing. Take care of yourself!!! Also, it's pouring here in CA. Drive saafely!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Simple Things in Life

It's funny how the simplet things in life can make someone's day. A perfect example is my girlfriend, Jeanie. She is so sweet & kind. Doesn't ask for much. I can bring home a gallon of ice cream and she's on cloud nine. Talk about low maintenance. She is wonderful to be with and I'm lucky that she puts up with me.
I love her very much. :-)

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Convict or not to convict

There's a story of Clara Harris who killed her cheating husband by running him over several times in a hotel parking lot. There are campaigns trying to get her released, saying she was justified in what she did. I don't condone adultery, and I can sympathize with the wife and children on the break up of their family, but is it right to free a woman after murdering her husband? Is it ok for people to take the law into their own hands? Did David Harris get what he truly deserved? Should the state get involved in marital affairs? Seems like a no win situation in this case for the Harris family.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Nada Mucho

It's Friday, and I am looking forward to the wknd. I can't believe in a few months we're gonna have Thanksgiving and Christmas. Things are starting to cool down here in socal. Ski season is coming: Tahoe & Whistler.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My Brother & his new wife Alma

Look at my brother's big smile with his new wife. I can't believe my little brother is married. I can still remember the two of us in the back of our parent's station wagon watching a movie in our pj's at the drive in. (Drive In? For those of you born in the 80's and latter a drive in is a theatre where you drive your car into a large parking lot, watching a movie on a huge screen sitting in your car) Getting old aren't we? I'm very happy for my brother and my new sister-in-law. They will be great together...

Hump Day!

Today is Wednesday, finally!!! If you don't know I recently got into the hobby of keeping a saltwater reef aquarium. I learn something new everyday. After being away a few days the tank is starting to look a bit dirty. I started working on it last night and the next thing I know it's midnight. It seems as I get older, time moves faster. When I was younger it seemed like time didn't move fast enough and now I feel like time moves too fast to the point where I feel there aren't enough hours in a day.

Live life to its fullest and spend at least some part of your day doing what you love!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Yada Yada Yada

Today is tuesday and I have to say it's tough coming back to work after being off for a week. Lots to do at the office, but am eager to get back into things. It's nice to have the house all to myself again.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Randy, Reg, Me, Del & Mike @ Del & Alma's wedding. It's been a long time since all five of us have taken a picture together let alone be in the same room.


This is my first post. Just testing it out for now. I've had this domain www.zerimarr.com for several years now and I have never really posted anything to it. If you guys haven't figured out already, zerimarr => rramirez backwards. Pretty simple. I got the idea from my good buddy George Godoy who has www.yodogg.com which is ggodoy backwards. Anyway, just getting started here and trying to figure out how this all works. I'll be updating this at least once a week if not more.

Thanks for visiting!!!
